Guiding Principles

APTA South Carolina, a chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, is the only professional organization representing physical therapists and physical therapist assistants in South Carolina.

Vision Statement

By 2025, the health of individuals in South Carolina will be enhanced by unrestricted access to physical therapy professionals whose excellence and value is demonstrated by a commitment to continued competence and evidence-based practice. These professionals will be empowered by APTA South Carolina, a chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, a professional association whose diverse membership is actively engaged in the development of and advocacy for high quality, cost-effective services in collaboration with others.

Mission Statement

The mission of the APTA South Carolina, a chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association is to be the component membership organization of APTA that represents and promotes the profession of physical therapy and furthers the profession’s role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of movement dysfunctions in order to enhance the physical health and functional abilities of the public.

Core Purpose

The core purpose of the APTA South Carolina, a chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association is to represent South Carolina physical therapy professionals to all stakeholders and facilitate the delivery of the highest standard of care through the advancement and support of the profession.


  • Develop APTA South Carolina communications methods/systems to improve our reach to/from all stakeholders;
  • Increase public awareness of the value of physical therapy;
  • Improve access to affordable physical therapy services by influencing payment policy and reducing other barriers;
  • Enhance PTs/PTAs abilities to delivery high quality, cost-effective services within current and developing service delivery models; and
  • Grow and develop APTA South Carolina membership

Strategic Plan

2024-2025 strategic plan SC